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Terms & Conditions


1. Definitions

“airline code” means the two or three character code that identifies an individual carrier in the flight number appearing on a ticket. The two letter airline code for Alliance is QQ.

“authorised agent” means a reputable passenger sales agent who represents Alliance in the sale of air passenger transportation on Alliance’s services.

“baggage” means your personal items that you are travelling with on your trip. It consists of both your checked baggage and cabin baggage.

“boarding pass” means the document (in paper or electronic form) that is issued to you as evidence that you have checked-in for a particular flight.

“carriage” means carriage by air except where stated otherwise.

“carrier” means an air carrier except where stated otherwise. “cabin baggage” means the baggage that you are permitted to take into the aircraft cabin. The cabin baggage allowances for Alliance are set out at: “checked baggage” means that part of your baggage that is not cabin baggage and is within the checked baggage size and/or weight allowance, as applicable, set out at: No additional charge is made by Alliance for checked baggage that complies with its allowance. Some carriers charge for checked baggage.

“codeshare” means a flight where the airline code in the flight number on which you are booked is not the airline code of the carrier operating the aircraft.

“Convention” means whichever of the following applies:

  • the Montreal Convention (1999)
  • the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929 (the Warsaw Convention)
  • the Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague on 28 September 1955
  • the Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 1, 2 or 4 of Montreal (1975)
  • the Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961)
  • any other applicable protocols or conventions and any enabling legislation.

“domestic carriage” means carriage that is wholly within one country with no international carriage sectors on your ticket.

“international carriage” means carriage that is between two countries, and if your ticket also includes any sectors that are within one country, those sectors will be part of the international carriage.

“passenger” means any person with a ticket who is carried or is to be carried on an aircraft, except members of the crew.

“SDRs” means Special Drawing Rights, being a composite unit of currency that is the official unit of exchange of the International Monetary Fund. (As a rough guide 1 SDR equates to A$1.60, but this will depend on exchange rates.)

“ticket” means the electronic ticket issued by Alliance or an authorised agent on behalf of Alliance and includes all printed terms, conditions and notices. All sectors appearing on a ticket bearing a flight number beginning with QQ are subject to Alliance’s conditions of carriage.

“you” means you as a passenger, and “your” is  the  possessive version.

2. Application of these Conditions of Carriage

2.1 Subject to clause 2.2 and clause 3, or unless as otherwise advised, these conditions of carriage apply to carriage on all flights booked on the QQ designator code, including gratuitous and reduced fare carriage and carriage on any loyalty points, and in any case where Alliance has a legal liability to you in respect of a flight.

2.2 Carriage performed by Alliance is subject to:

    (a) applicable laws, Conventions and tariffs;
    (b) these conditions of carriage;
    (c) any additional provisions contained in your ticket;
    (d) applicable loyalty program rules; and
    (e) any written or oral directions issued by Alliance.

To the extent of any inconsistency between (a) and any of items (b) – (e), (a) will prevail.


If carriage is performed by Alliance pursuant to a charter agreement, then:

  1. unless another carrier’s airline code appears as the flight number in the booking; or
  2. unless passengers are advised that another party’s terms and conditions apply,

these conditions of carriage apply.

3. Conditions of carriage benefits agents and representatives

Any exclusion or limitation of liability of Alliance shall apply to and be for the benefit of its agents and representatives and any carrier and its agents and representatives whose aircraft is used by Alliance for carriage. The exclusion or limitation of liability shall also extend to related companies and independent contractors, in consideration for the provision of their services directly or indirectly to you.

4. No authority to modify

No employee, agent or representative of Alliance is authorised to alter or modify these conditions of carriage.

5. Unenforceable conditions

Any provision of these conditions of carriage which is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is, as to that jurisdiction, ineffective to the extent only of the invalidity or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining conditions of carriage or affecting their validity or enforceability in any other jurisdiction.

6. Agency

If Alliance makes a booking for you on another carrier’s airline code, Alliance does so only as agent for that carrier. Alliance will inform you of the other carrier’s identity at the time of booking or as soon as possible prior to the flight. Similarly, if Alliance makes a booking for you for the provision of any other service by another service provider, including surface transportation or accommodation, it does so only as agent for that service provider and unless you are advised to the contrary by Alliance, the terms and conditions of that service provider will apply. The terms and conditions may significantly limit or exclude liability.

7. Consumer guarantees or warranties

7.1 Where Alliance provides any goods or services other than carriage, certain statutory guarantees or warranties may apply for the benefit of consumers. For example, some consumer services may come with a non-excludable guarantee or warranty that they will be provided with due care and skill. The application of these guarantees or warranties will depend on the relevant jurisdiction. Nothing in these conditions of carriage is intended to exclude or restrict the application of such consumer laws.

7.2 In respect of goods or services acquired for business purposes and not as a consumer:

  1. consumer guarantees and warranties, including under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), a Fair Trading Act or the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (NZ),will not apply where these conditions of carriage apply, provided that the relevant terms may by law be excluded; and
  2. if a statute or other law provides a guarantee or warranty that cannot be excluded, to the extent permitted by law, our liability for a breach of the guarantee or warranty will be limited to either supplying the goods or services again or paying the cost of having them supplied again, as determined by Alliance.

8. Bookings and Seating

8.1 You must ensure that you purchase your ticket from Alliance or its authorised agent. Alliance does not accept any responsibility for any loss you may incur if you make arrangements for travel on Alliance through anyone other than Alliance or its authorised agent.

8.2 Alliance will try to accommodate your seating need or choice but may need to change your seat for operational, safety or security reasons.

9. Tickets not transferable

Tickets are not transferable. Alliance has no obligation to provide any carriage or services under a ticket unless you produce satisfactory proof of identity (e.g. a driver’s licence or similar form of photographic identification) satisfactory to Alliance when checking in to board a flight. If Alliance discovers that the person attempting to travel on your ticket is not you, Alliance will refuse to carry that person.

10. Charges and taxes

The price of your ticket may include significant amounts of charges and taxes. The charges may include charges imposed by governments, airport authorities or carriers.  You may also be required to pay some taxes and fees directly to third parties. Such amounts will not be marked on your ticket with Alliance.

11. Altering itinerary

11.1   If you alter the sequence of travel on your booking with Alliance, and the fare rules allow it, the fare structure for which your ticket has been issued may become inapplicable and need to be reassessed. Any fare difference must be paid, and your ticket reissued prior to your travel.

11.2   If you cancel your ticket, a cancellation fee may apply or there may be no refund available, depending on the fare you purchased.

12. Health

12.1   It is your responsibility to find out about and obtain any inoculations that are required for the countries that you are visiting, and to find out about any potential dangers to your health and safety at your destination and any stopovers.

12.2    If you are suffering from any illness, disease or other condition which may make it unsafe for you or other passengers if you fly, you must inform Alliance prior to your travel, and if Alliance, acting reasonably, considers that it may not be safe for you, or other passengers, if you fly, Alliance may refuse to carry you.

12.3    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT):

Prolonged immobility may be a risk factor in the formation of clots in the legs, known as DVT, according to some studies.   If you feel you may be at risk from DVT or other health problems, consult with your doctor before travel.

12.4    Pregnancy:

Alliance does not represent that travel is safe for you at any particular point during your pregnancy. You must seek advice from your own medical practitioner prior to your flight as to whether it is safe for you to fly and whether you need medical clearance due to the nature of your pregnancy and the length of your flight.

12.5    Special Assistance:

If you require special assistance due to your having limited mobility, for example, or there is another reason why you require special assistance, you must notify Alliance prior to purchasing your ticket to discuss the arrangements that may be required.

12.6    Pre-flight screening

Passengers may be subject to pre-flight screening to determine fitness for travel.  This may include thermal temperature testing, completion of questionnaires or other measures as advised by the relevant Health Authorities.

13. Travel documents and insurance

13.1   It is your responsibility to find out from relevant embassies or consulates whether or not you need a passport, visa or other travel document. If Alliance provides any assistance to you in this regard, it does not release you from your responsibility to make enquiries of applicable authorities.

13.2   As there are risks involved in travel and Alliance’s liability to you is limited, you may choose to purchase travel insurance to suit your needs.

14. Dress standards

You must be dressed reasonably in clean, decent clothing. You must not wear clothing displaying offensive language or symbols.  It is a requirement on all Alliance flights that suitable footwear is worn.

15. Refusal of carriage

Alliance is not a common carrier and may refuse to carry you and your baggage if any of the following circumstances have occurred or Alliance reasonably believes will occur:

  • because you do not appear to have all necessary documents or you have not checked in on time
  • if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • if you fail to comply with these conditions of carriage or any applicable law or if carrying you will breach a law or order of a country to which you are travelling or departing from
  • if carrying you or your baggage may put the safety of the aircraft or the safety or health of any person in the aircraft in danger or at risk
  • if you have acted in an aggressive manner towards our ground staff or a member of the crew of the aircraft or made a threat
  • because you have not obeyed the instructions of our ground staff or a member of the crew of the aircraft relating to safety or security
  • if Alliance reasonably considers that carrying you may present a health or safety risk to you or other passengers
  • because you have refused to allow a security check to be carried out on you or your baggage
  • because you require special assistance and you have not made prior arrangements with us for this
  • because your ticket:
    • has not been paid for
    • has been reported lost or stolen
    • is being used by someone other than you
    • has been acquired unlawfully
    • has been acquired from someone other than Alliance or an authorised agent.

16. Baggage limits and excess baggage

16.1 Checked baggage and cabin baggage are subject to size and weight limits. Alliance’s limits are set out at

16.2 (a) Excess baggage is carried at Alliance’s discretion and may be refused. If accepted by Alliance, it will be subject to space availability and payment of the applicable charge. Excess baggage charges can be viewed at the excess baggage might not be carried on the same service as you.

(b) No amount of baggage in excess of 100kgs will be accepted for carriage. Such consignments must be processed as cargo at the applicable cargo rate.

(c) Excess baggage will only be carried to the airport specified on the Alliance baggage tag. You are responsible for the collection of excess baggage and any costs that may be incurred in doing so.

17. Valuables, perishables and fragile items

17.1 You must not include any valuable, perishable or fragile items in your checked baggage, including glassware, porcelain, medicine, computers, keys, items with a special value (such as money, jewellery, silverware, negotiable papers,  securities or other valuable documents), cameras, electronic equipment,  commercial  goods,  passports  or  other   travel documents.    Such items should be carried in your cabin baggage under your care, subject always to the cabin baggage allowance.

17.2 If you do not adhere to the above requirement and carry any such items in your checked baggage, Alliance will use any defences available to it against any claim in respect of any damage, delay, loss or destruction of those items. Also, note the limitations of liability referred to in clause 24.

18. Prohibited items

18.1 Alliance will not carry, and you must not include in your checked baggage or cabin baggage or otherwise try to bring on board the following prohibited items:

  • firearms (unless prior approval gained from airline operator) or weapons of any type
  • items listed as dangerous goods in your ticket, including but not limited to:
  • Ammunition, gunpowder, mace, tear gas or pepper sprays are generally forbidden
  • Lithium batteries (with power greater than 160Wh)
  • Camping fuel containers/camping gear containing fuel
  • Machines and tools with petrol-powered engines
  • Corrosives such as acids, alkalis and mercury, wet cell batteries, drain cleaners and solvents
  • Poisons
  • Dry ice – carbon dioxide (unless prior approval gained from airline operator)
  • Radioactive materials
  • Fireworks, signal flares, sparklers or explosives
  • Spray cans, butane fuel, scuba tanks, propane tanks, CO2 cartridges
  • Fuel, paints, lighter refills, matches
  • Self-inflating life vests
  • Infectious substances
  • Security attaché cases incorporating explosives and dye cartridges (unless prior approval gained from airline operator)
  • Live animals except where pre-approved by the airline operator;
  • items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft, or that may become dangerous. More information is available in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, and the International - Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations;
  • items which are prohibited by any applicable law from being carried on any aircraft;
  • items that Alliance reasonably determines are unsuitable for carriage because they are dangerous or unsafe.

18.2 If Alliance discovers that you are carrying a prohibited item or items, Alliance   may   do whatever it considers appropriate and what is reasonable in the circumstances, including disposing of the item.

18.3 If you are in doubt about any item that you propose to carry and whether it constitutes dangerous goods, ask the applicable carrier/s in advance of your date of travel.

18.4 Alliance reserves the right to determine what items are unsuitable for carriage.

18.5 Alliance reserves the right to deal with such goods in any manner it considers appropriate, which includes destroying, disposing of or retaining the item as evidence.

19. Smoking not permitted

In accordance with applicable laws, smoking is not permitted on any Alliance flight or in any Australian airport.

20. Searches

20.1 Alliance or airport or government agency officers may require you to submit to clothing or body or baggage searches. If you refuse any such searches, Alliance may refuse to carry you.

20.2 If any x-ray screening causes damage to your baggage, then except as otherwise provided by applicable law, Alliance will not be liable for the damage unless it was caused by Alliance’s negligence.

21. Refunds

21.1 Alliance will provide any refund due in accordance with the rules of the fare you purchased. Some fares do not provide refunds, except where clause 22.2 applies.

21.2 If Alliance fails to provide carriage substantially in accordance with your ticket, within a reasonable amount of time compared to the scheduled departure time indicated on your ticket, and if you elect not to travel on that ticket, you may claim a refund of that sector of your ticket, and any other sectors of the ticket for which Alliance holds payment and which are rendered redundant as a result of non-travel on the sector in question.

21.3 Where you purchase and Alliance does not provide or accept an item purchased in addition to a ticket such as excess baggage and emergency exit row seating, Alliance shall refund the value of the additional fee paid.  For avoidance of doubt, if you choose not to make use of the additional item purchased on the day of travel, you shall forfeit any fees paid.

21.4 Any refund made by Alliance will be paid to the original form of payment if payment was made by credit card, or to the passenger named on the ticket where the ticket was paid for by cash or equivalent, unless satisfactory proof is provided to Alliance that another person paid for the ticket, in which case the refund will be provided to that person.

22. Schedules

22.1 Alliance undertakes to use all reasonable endeavours to carry you and your baggage in accordance with its schedule, but times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed. Schedules are subject to change, and if you have provided Alliance or its authorised agent with your contact details, then Alliance or its authorised agent will use reasonable endeavours to notify you about any schedule changes. However, prior to the day of your flight, you should check that the flight times have not changed.

22.2 If, due to circumstances beyond Alliance’s control, Alliance cancels or delays a flight, Alliance will:

  1. either carry you on another of its scheduled services on which space is available, if you still wish to travel; or
  2. provide you with a refund of the applicable sector fare.

Alliance will not be responsible for paying any other costs or expenses you may incur as a result of the delay or cancellation

22.3 If Alliance makes a significant change to the departure time of your flight or your flight is cancelled but you still wish to travel, Alliance will rebook you on its next flight to that destination on which space is available.

22.4 In circumstances where Alliance has withdrawn from a route, Alliance will provide a refund in accordance with clause 22.4.

22.5 It is your responsibility to check flight departure times and gates at the airport, and except as otherwise provided in any applicable laws, Alliance will not be liable to you for any losses that you may incur if you fail to do so.

23. Liability

23.1 Except as otherwise provided by these conditions of carriage or by applicable law that cannot be excluded, Alliance excludes all liability for any costs, expenses, losses or damages whatsoever that may arise in any way in connection with the carriage.

23.2 Except where these conditions of carriage provide otherwise, Alliance’s liability, if any, is limited to proven compensatory damages.

23.3 If any of your travel involves travel on another carrier’s airline code or is by a different mode of transport, the liability limits may differ from Alliance’s. You will need to check with the applicable carrier or transport operator.

23.4 Domestic carriage

(a) Alliance’s liability for your bodily injury or death on domestic carriage is limited to A$925,000.

(b) Alliance’s liability for loss or damage to checked baggage on domestic carriage is limited to A$3,000 per passenger and A$300 per passenger for cabin baggage. Alliance will not be liable for any damage that results from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage. Our liability for lost or damaged baggage is based on the depreciated value of the baggage and is limited to the actual loss suffered by you.

23.5 International carriage

  1. Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of origin are advised that the international treaty known as the Montreal Convention, or its predecessor, the Warsaw Convention (either amended or unamended) may be applicable to the entire journey, including any portion entirely within the country of origin or destination.
  2. In relation to baggage claims, if the person with a baggage receipt receives their checked baggage without making a complaint, it will be reasonable evidence that the checked baggage was delivered in good condition, unless proven otherwise. Alliance will not be liable for normal wear and tear of baggage such as small scratches, scuffs, dents and cuts.

23.6 Limitations of liability
Death or bodily injury

- Where   the   Montreal Convention applies, Alliance will not exclude or limit its liability for any recoverable compensatory damages up to 113,100 SDRs (about A$186,000) in respect of death or bodily injury caused by an accident on board the aircraft or during embarking or disembarking, except that any such liability for damage will be reduced in accordance with applicable law by any negligence on your part that causes or contributes to the damage. Alliance will not be liable for damages exceeding 113,100 SDRs for each passenger if it proves that the damage was not due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of Alliance or its agents, or such damage was solely due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a third party.

- Where the Warsaw Convention applies, Alliance’s liability is limited to 260,000 SDRs (about A$425,000).


- Where the Montreal Convention applies, Alliance will be liable for damage up to a maximum of 4,694 SDRs per passenger (about A$7,720), except when it can prove that it took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for Alliance to take such measures.

- Where the Warsaw Convention applies, Alliance is not liable if it proves that it had taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible to take such measures.

Checked and Cabin Baggage

- Where the Montreal Convention applies, in the case of loss of or damage to your baggage, Alliance’s liability is limited  to 1,131 SDRs (about A$1,860) except where you prove that the damage resulted from an act or failure to act either done with  the intention  to  cause  damage  or recklessly  and with knowledge that damage would probably result.   The   above limit of liability is cumulative for both checked baggage and cabin baggage. However, Alliance will only be liable for cabin baggage if it was at fault. Alliance will not be liable for any damage that results from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage.

- Where the Warsaw Convention applies, Alliance’s liability for loss, damage or delay of checked baggage is limited to 250 francs per kilo (about A$21.50 per kilo). Alliance’s liability in respect of cabin baggage is limited to 5,000 francs (about A$430) per passenger. Our liability for lost or damaged baggage is based on the depreciated value of the baggage and is limited to the actual loss suffered by you.

24. Time limitations for claims

24.1 (a) Domestic carriage: - Any claim for loss of or damage to baggage must be made in writing to Alliance within the following timeframes:

  • 3 days in the case of damage to or loss or destruction of part only of an item of checked baggage or cabin baggage, after date of receipt of remainder of the item;
  • 21 days in the case of loss or destruction of the whole of an item of checked baggage from the date that the baggage should have been placed at your disposal.

No action will lie against Alliance if a complaint is not received in writing by Alliance within the applicable timeframe above, except in the case of fraud.

(b) International carriage: - Any claim for damage to or delay of baggage must be made in writing to Alliance within the following timeframes:

  • in the case of damage to your baggage, as soon as you discover the damage after you have received it, and at the latest within 7 days;
  • in the case of delay, within 21 Days from when the baggage has been made available to you.

No action will lie against Alliance if a complaint is not received in writing by Alliance within the applicable timeframe above, except in the case of fraud.

24.2 Your right to claim: Your right to claim for damages will expire if court proceedings are not brought within two years from:

  • the date of your arrival at your destination
  • the date the aircraft should have arrived, or
  • the date on which your carriage stopped
  • unless your right to claim has expired earlier under these conditions of carriage, for example under clause 24.1.

25. Insurance

Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from an insurance company. Such insurance may not be affected by any limitation of liability under these conditions of carriage or the applicable Conventions. For further information, please consult your insurance company representative.

26. Personal Information

26.1 Alliance collects personal information about you to provide you with carriage and other services and goods, process your travel arrangements, conduct marketing activities and market research, and for immigration and customs control, security, administrative and legal purposes. Failure to provide Alliance with the required personal information may result in Alliance being unable to provide you with the services or goods requested.

26.2 The collection and use of your personal information is subject to applicable privacy laws.

26.3 You authorise Alliance to retain your personal information for the purposes set out in clause 26.1 and to disclose your personal information to:

  • travel service providers and organisations providing services to Alliance
  • payment card companies
  • law enforcement agencies and governments

as may be necessary to facilitate your travel, or to comply with applicable laws, or for emergency purposes.

26.4 You can gain access to your personal information that Alliance has collected and ask for correction of it by contacting [email protected].

26.5 Full details on how Alliance manages your personal information can be found at

27. Our name and address

Our name may be abbreviated to Alliance or QQ on your ticket or boarding pass. Our address is: PO Box 1126, Eagle Farm, Queensland 4009, Australia.


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